
Friday FUN!

1. Johnny Weir has the same birthday as my mother (thanks google).
2. Unfortunately, I have not been able to watch any of the 2010 Olympics.
3. And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was not worth it anymore.
4. Do not always do what you please, even if you get an urge.
5. Having sweet dreams are the best.
6. What does it take for these kids to listen to me.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to doing nothing, tomorrow my plans include relaxing and Sunday, I want to enjoy my first class of Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University!

This week has pretty much flown by, I guess it was because Monday was a holiday. Homeschooling has gone well this week. I think I've finally figured out a schedule that works for us all. I'm still trying to work on myself to not get so overwhelmed. It is okay if something does not get done, there is always tomorrow. We can have fun with this, there are so many wonderful opportunities we can have because I homeschool. NO NEED TO STRESS SO MUCH..and if anyone knows me, I tend to stress to the max.

I used to not be like that at all, I am not sure why that has changed. I know we are called to NOT worry. Trust in the Lord for He will direct our path, He will provide, He will not give us more than we can handle. I must really put it into practice now.

We are focusing on Math and Language Arts, however I am mostly enjoying the History lessons and some of the Science lessons. Alexis is speeding through her spelling book, so we may be done with that before anything else!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, make a point to get some rest and really enjoy life's beauty.

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